serenity school

What if you could feel calm and present and relaxed every day of your life?

Sounds pretty great, right? Then join me for Serenity School, a ten week virtual course where you will learn the tools and techniques that I have sought out over the course of my life to help myself when medication and therapy wasn’t enough.

Wanna see what you get? Then keep scrolling.

next course launching fall 2023

  • In this ten week virtual course, I will show you how to identify your stresses and anxiety triggers and teach you mind body centering tools to overcome them. You will learn how to focus your precious attention on the things that support a happy life and most importantly, you will feel present, peaceful and better!

  • Phase 01 / Looking within

    Phase one is all about you. We will define anxiety and outline your stresses and triggers. You’ll take a deep look at yourself and reflect on where you are today, and what needs to change to live a serene life.

  • Phase 02/tools and techniques

    Change does not happen overnight. I will guide you through my time tested techniques based on a mind body spirit approach to reclaim you calm.

  • Phase 03 / New Beginnings

    Over the course of ten weeks, you will learn a plethora of tools and be given weekly challenges to implement them. You will curate a new habits list of your faves and will walk away having more control of your monkey mind= peaceful bliss.

Course structure

This is a ten week intensive, virtual event designed for you to break old patterns and replace them with new healthy habits.

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